Saturday, January 22, 2011

Online Flirting: Building Attraction in Cyberspace

With the widespread use of the internet and cell phones, online flirting and text message flirting have become the new ways to connect with people.
By flirting online, you’re able to meet new and interesting people in the comfort of your own home. It’s especially handy if you don’t have time to go out, or are simply tired of the bar and club scene.
Plus, online flirting is a great way to help practice your flirting skills.
In the real world you pretty much have to think of the right thing to say on the spot. By communicating online and through text messages, you’re able to take as much time as you need in order to come up with that perfect response.

Amp up your Profile

Your profile is where you can paint a picture of what you’re like as a person. What most people do though, is give a few generic statements about themselves, such as “I like music and hanging out with friends.”
Well, duh….can you really think of anyone who doesn’t like music or hanging out with friends :P Instead, try describing things about you that a bit more specific, like places you’ve traveled or unique hobbies you might have.
Also, be sure to include characteristics about the sort of person you’d like to meet. Having standards sets you apart from Joe Blow who’s simply looking for anything with a pulse.

A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

If you really want to improve your chances of meeting someone online, you’ll need to post some pictures of you on your profile.
If you have a digital camera, you can take hundreds of pictures of yourself and find the ones that make you look the most attractive. Or better yet, you can hire a professional photographer to do this for you.
A good photographer will usually have the skills and experience to make your pictures look like they belong on the cover of a magazine.

Send a Message that’s Sure to Get a Response

I read a statistic about online dating that said that people respond to less than 10% of the online messages they receive. The main reason for this is because too many of those messages are similar, and well…boring.
In order to ensure your message leaves the other person eager to respond, you’ll have to aim to be more distinct. For example, instead of complimenting the other person on their pictures or profile, try playfully teasing them about one of these things.
More importantly though, make sure you ask them something interesting in your email. I usually go with the old, “if you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have three items, what would they be and why.”
A question like this requires a bit more thought than the traditional online question of “how are you?”.

Get Those Digits

People are sometimes reluctant to give out their phone number online. In fact, asking for a phone number can sometimes lead to the other person not responding to anymore emails.
The best way around this is to ask for their cell phone number, so that you can send them a text message later on. For some reason, most people are perfectly fine with giving their number out to someone planning on texting them rather than calling.
Then, by applying the right text flirting tips, you can easily transitions things into an actual phone conversation.

Win Them Over With Your Voice

By now, you’ve got the person interested in you through your profile, pictures and messages. The only thing standing in the way of you and a first date, is a little bit of phone flirting.
One of the obvious keys to becoming successful at phone flirting is the sound of your voice. Knowing how to effectively change the tone of your voice, can help you move the conversation from funny, to flirty, to somewhat sexual. By the end of the first or second phone call, you should have built enough comfort to easily set up a time to finally meet.

Don’t Restrict Yourself to Looking Online

The biggest problem with online flirting is that people tend to limit themselves to meeting people strictly from the internet.
Remember, online flirting is just one way of meeting people. And if you’re just learning the art of flirting, it’s a great place to test things out to see if they work. But you’ll find that you get a greater thrill and build deeper connections when you go out and flirt with someone in person. So once you’ve had some fun with online flirting, why not try some of your skills out in the real world.


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