Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Flirt?

If there was a school for flirting, flirting 101 would be like your introduction to the world of flirting.

Here you'll learn all the prep-work you will need to do before you actually go out and start flirting with people.

Set Some Goals

The first and most important element of flirting is to have a clear set of goals. Your goals should basically include what you ultimately hope to gain by developing you flirting skills.

This could range from getting into a new relationship, to simply being able to strike up a conversation with someone you’re interested in.
flirting 101 with a sexy teacher Whatever your goal is, jot it down on a piece of paper and keep it somewhere where you’ll be able to review it on a regular basis. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

Once you’ve written down your main goals, you may want to write down some smaller goals that you’ll need to accomplish in order to achieve your main goals.

For example, if your goal is to find a new boyfriend/girlfriend, yet you’re unable to start a conversation with someone, you might want to make that a mini goal.

As you achieve these mini goals, you’ll build the momentum and skills needed to achieve your main goal.

Find a Wing

A great way to help stay motivated and to help improve your chances of success, is to find a good wingman/wingman. A wing that has similar goals to you is a great asset to have when it comes to meeting new people.

More importantly though, a good wing will help you navigate through those tricky pick-ups, like when you’re talking to a group of two or more.

Flirting directly with only one of the people in the group might make the other person feel left out.

By having your wing engage the other people in the group, you’ll be able to focus exclusively on the person you’re interested in.

Dress to Impress

Another important part of flirting 101 is finding your own unique style. After all, people tend to form quick opinions of us based on our appearance.

By taking the time to dress up in some flirt cloths, you drastically improve the first impression you make on other people.

This doesn’t mean that you have to dress up like you’ve stepped out of fashion magazine. Instead, create and discover your own sense of style based on what you find comfortable yet unique.

Have Something to Say

One of the most common problems that people have when they want to flirt with someone is starting a conversation. A common reason for this is because they simply don’t know what to say.

Starting off with something like "hi" is a bit too generic, and you’ll still need to follow up with something else to say after that.

That’s why it’s important to leave home with a few good flirting lines. Personally, I like using an opinion as a way of starting a conversation.

Asking for someone’s opinion on a topic like relationships or social dynamics is an easy way to generate and interesting conversation.

Get Out of the House

Flirting 101 isn't just a self study course you simply read about in the comfort of your own home.

Far too often people will read up on how to flirt, only to wind up with just a bunch of theory on the subject. Well all that knowledge won’t do you any good if you don’t go out and practice applying those techniques.

This may require you to set aside some time to go to places where you can interact with new people. So instead of watching reruns of Seinfeld on Friday night, you might want to head out to a bar or club.

Or, if that’s not your scene you can always try:


-college campus’

-the gym or fitness classes

-clubs or exhibits

-speed dating

Ideally it’s best to meet people at places you enjoy being in. That way, you’ll have a shared interest, which will make it easier to strike up a conversation.

Apply the right flirting techniques

Once you've mastered all the flirting 101 skills, you can then move on to all the more advanced flirting techniques, which will be sure to attract whoever you're seducing.


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